'There was a man named Fisher,
Who loved fishing off a fissure,
One day a fish with a grin,
Pulled the fellow in,
And now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher!'
But then there are some not so innocent ones like that goes...
'There was a woman from Illin,
who had a perculiar feeling,
she laid on her back,
and opened her crack,
and peed all over the ceiling!'
I stole a bit from that one and with the help of some (*coughcoughserenacoughcough*) came up with a Bruneian version...
'There was a woman from Temburong,
who loved wearing baju kurong,
but she laid on her back,
and opened her crack,
and you can see her burung!'
I like that one, it was better than some others we came up with such as...
'There was a Jew from Peru,
who use to live in a zoo,
one day he was feeling funny,
and wanted a honey,
so he made out with the kangaroo!'
'There was a woman from Shanghai,
who had a pair of super strong thighs,
and every man who screw her,
never again will do her,
cuz she snapped them in half like a fly!'
If you can come up with more original limmericks, I would like to hear about them, especially if you can make up Bruneian malay ones. What a hoot that would be! ^_^